Monday 2 September 2013

Developing Relationships

Students will be entering my building, some for the first time, on Tuesday. What is going to make them want to come back on Wednesday? I think there is only one thing... the connection they have made with an adult in the building.

But that connection starts with me and my partner in administration with the staff members in our building. How do I make/continue to make connections and build relationships with them?

To begin, I prefer everyone on staff taking some time to establish group norms and develop a belief statement that can be applied to the whole building, just so we are all on the same page of the same book. I like to take the time to discuss potential issues and explore all avenues for potential solutions and provide opportunities for everyone to contribute. I think it is important for staff to know that I will not/can not solve all issues and their suggestions and ideas are important, valuable and worthwhile to problem solving.

I want to have an "open door" policy and plan to keep my office door open unless it needs to be closed. My office is situated near an exit door and I will see/hear many staff arrive and leave and hope to connect with as many as possible on a daily basis to "check in" to see how their day went. I want to celebrate their success and assist with difficulties. I hope that through these easy daily interactions I can express that I value and appreciate all that they do for students. We often set out to catch students "doing good" but what about our teachers who have really set up the opportunities and teaching that has allowed that to occur. I hope to be able to observe and recognise teachers "doing good" as well.

I will communicate as often as necessary to let teachers know how things are progressing with different activities, long-range plans and changes whether school or division wide. I want teachers to recognize that I am not only working for them but with them as well.

I hope that through shared leadership, teachers will recognize that I am an integral member of a team and the building we work in does not follow a triangular hierarchy but a round circle of collaboration.


  1. Building relationships is critical to success. It is so very important to take the time to get to know students, teachers, staff and families. Great post!

  2. Thanks Shelley,

    Good to hear from you. Hope all is going well?
