Monday 19 August 2013

What Do I Want?

The past week has been an interesting one as I begin to prepare for the upcoming school year. In more of a leadership position this fall I have had to take some time to really think about what I want, what kind of administrator do I want to be, what type of culture and belief system do I want developing in my building and how is all of this going to happen.

I want children to want to come to school because they never know what they might miss. I want students to go home at the end of the day and say something to the effect of "Guess what happened/we did at school today? It was so (insert positive adjective here)" I want to offer a safe, caring, respectful, inviting (and fun, who am I kidding...) learning environment where adults (me included), know the names of students and parents and something about them to begin developing positive relationships.  I want to be part of a building that values relationships and open communication, collaboration and conversations, as well as curriculum content. I want to meet the needs of staff and students as well as address and prioritize the wants but more specifically help others address the difference. I want to influence and inspire others to read, investigate, question, discuss, listen and learn to be a better, more knowledgeable, more experienced, more skillful version of themselves.

This will not occur easily or quickly. Conversations need to be had, discussions need to occur, relationships need to develop and time needs to pass and I am sure that in time I can readdress this topic as "What Do I Need?"

Friday 9 August 2013

Why I lead?

As the summer begins to wind down and I begin to think about school again I have begun to reflect on my beliefs, considered many questions, and have contemplated unpacking and setting up my office.

As I take on a new role as Vice Principal, continue taking classes towards my Master's Degree and my new involvement with #SAVMP I have begun to question what do I believe in? 

 My beliefs about teaching have certainly evolved in the past 18 years and more so since I have had children of my own. I believe children, all children have a natural curiosity to learn and it usually doesn't match what is required to be taught. I believe children have strengths which need to be identified, nurtured, and encouraged so that the strengths can help improve weaknesses. I believe that when students are given the opportunities to collaborate, investigate, explore, problem solve and be responsible and accountable for the learning they are doing they become more confident, involved life long learners. I believe that all learners bring something worthwhile "to the table" whether or not they know or even recognize their talents, abilities, skills and/or knowledge. I believe the process, the reflection and the learning about learning  is more important than content. I believe that education is evolving and teachers need to evolve as well.

This is why I want to lead. I am excited about the possibilities that education and teaching have to offer. There are so many opportunities for students and teachers to learn together and from each other. I look forward to being part of an administration team that not only believes but encourages and nurtures communication, collaboration, mutual respect and a love for learning.