Friday 15 March 2013

A Really Good Day

I have been waiting 6 months to have a really good day and it wasn't one particular situation or event but rather a series of interactions and events that made this day REALLY GOOD! I had a student in the library looking for books prior to school starting and even while breakfast was being offered. HE was so intrigued with finding the perfect book he completely forgot to eat. I had a great conversation about heroes with some grade 5 students and they offered a perspective about heroes I had never considered before (powerful)! And then a great afternoon spent with primary classes who were literally running to catch me in the halls to show me what they had created after our St. Patrick's Day activity.... and THEN senior students asked if they could hang out in the library after school (of course). My really good day revolved around students and not around buying book (which I love!!!) or the administrative side of my job ( don't love as much) hmmm...something to think about.